
I am doing NaBloPoMo this month. 30 blog posts in 30 days. Come join me. You can find the full list of participants over on San’s blog here #nablopomo2023

The morning left me pretty speechless. Today was my birthday and my big surprise was that I received a Cricut Maker 3. I was always eyeing one but always felt it was not quite necessary and a luxury. Well, now it is sitting on my dining table. This was a real big surprise. I usually have to voice very specific wishes but this year I only heard “it’s covered” and it was! I still can’t quite believe it. I see so many projects in my future including new snow flakes for my big front window. The bats I had up for Halloween would have been so much easier, too. Christmas T-Shirts for the family? I have the feeling I am not the only one in the family who is excited about this. We were gathering around earlier as it was making the first cuts. I made a snow flake and a bee decal for my coffee mug. It’s pretty amazing but now I am really tired. It’s 11:10pm and I am glad I finished today’s post before midnight.

Anything in your life you did not think you needed but wanted?
What should I make next?

12 thoughts on “Speechless”

  1. My husband bought me a popcorn maker for my birthday (a Whirley Pop). I thought I was FINE making popcorn on the stovetop, but this has been a real game changer. It’s faster and easier to clean and I’m obsessed with it.

    Happy birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy birthday! And that is the coolest birthday present ever! Someone knew how to make you happy 🙂 (I love what you can do with a cricut but haven’t been able to justify the cost!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy (belated) birthday to you. What a wonderful surprise. I have been eying this tool too but I think I wouldn’t use it as much as I now think. But I am excited for you. I would. do all the snowflakes. I will be looking forward to seeing what you create.


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